I recently read another blogger’s work. http://thoughtfulintent.blogspot.com/2008/04/change-our-government-is-set-up-in-such.html They had something interesting to say about the American majority and the problems that the U.S. faces. I think it’s worthwhile to read their blog entitled “Change”. In the meanwhile this is what I had to say.
How pessimistic and sad, where we can only change the channel on our televisions, and yet so many American do just that. There are so many problems that need to be addressed and the best way to fix them is through local government. We look towards Congress for all of the answers when it should be in the direction of our city council members and our state legislatures. They are the people who can make state laws change, like health regulations preventing food from being given to the poor. These changes can happen relatively quickly. Whereas Congress will have to take months even maybe a year or two to change things throughout the nation, things should start out simple and the majority of people don’t realize that the power to change comes from them. You are in control of our future; you and everybody collectively can change things for the better, fast. There just needs to be a little bit of effort, but we all provide excuses, like we don’t have time. We have work, a family, school, when in reality we just will not budge from where we are. We are perfectly happy putting our future into the hands of rich politicians. You and I need to form groups, write letters, lobby politicians, provide support, and just do something other than a daily routine that does not help anyone!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Try to Listen to Logic for Once

People, this blog will be about how the policies by President Bush scare me. Particularly his support of wire tapping and invasion of privacy will be discussed. This is a violation of our constitutional rights! The United States is not facing an outburst of “terrorist spies” among its population. This is just like the Cold War only a bit milder where the government thought that anybody and their dog was a communist. This is ridiculous. The government is spending who knows how much of our tax dollars to spy on us. You and I are paying President Bush to monitor all of our phone conversations (even the naughty ones with our sweethearts) and to track where we have been and what we have searched on the internet. What next, are they going to put devices in our heads and hear our thoughts? Or better yet would they come to my house and arrest me if I told my friend that I wanted Bush to die…by killer piranhas of course? Beyond the fact that our government is keeping an eye on us because we are all potential terrorist (the phrase guilty until proven innocent), how effective is this program? In my opinion, not very. Out of the seven or so years the government may have found two potential spies using wiretapping. Out of all the billions of dollars that have been spent only two or so have been found guilty, that is sad. Well it’s not that surprising since it is common knowledge that the phones and the internet are tapped what terrorist would communicate using those means? Unless they spoke in code and then the FBI and the CIA will have to recognize that a code was being used out of the thousands of conversations they hear an hour. This is just like finding a needle in a haystack. How can you effectively find spies by tapping the wires of 303,907,819 people? All you do is waste money and time and abuse Presidential powers.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Brain food
Some food for thought from a fellow blogger. It's about Obama and gives some good background information. Go check it out and the comment I left. ^_^
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Choosing a Side
It has been very hard for me to pick which candidate I should vote for and support. First of all I am a Democrat and since we now have two candidates (Clinton and Obama) it is difficult to decide between them. I like them both, to be honest.
I am a woman and a part of me would like to see the first woman president. I liked Bill Clinton and what he did as president. So naturally I thought I would be a Clinton advocate, but I just had to give Obama a chance. I like the way he speaks and that during this whole race I have not heard as much criticism from him toward Clinton as I have seen and heard from her to him. Clinton is too aggressive in her tactics. She has lost a bit of my respect for constantly insulting Obama and although I understand that this is a race, Obama has always seemed more confident and less abusive. Confidence goes a long way in my book and so should it for everyone. Plus, he feels more like a real person.
Besides the fact that one is white and a woman and the other is black and a man, they both are senators, have families, are married, want universal health care, and to pull the troops out of Iraq. They are both Democrats. So, what is the main difference between these two? I went ahead and investigated their websites.
Immediately, Obama’s website www.barackobama.com is more pleasing to the eye than Clinton’s www.hillaryclinton.com. Now, I know it means nothing really. Wow his site looks better than hers, big whop her campaign may be more than looks. One thing I did like about his website compared to Clinton’s is that it is extremely simple to pinpoint an issue, where Obama stands on it, and what he plans to do about it. Clinton’s is slightly more challenging in that there are less bullets separating the points and mostly it’s this big thing you have to read with dry wording. All I am saying is that Obama’s website is more impressive and enjoyable and it’s inspiring. This is how they present themselves to the world, besides television. It should be something you want to look at in my opinion.
In any case, it’s not simply because of the websites or the big race that I have ultimately chosen Obama over Clinton; it’s also because of the tiny differences I have found in their solutions to issues. I can’t list them all, but one that impacted me was the fact that Obama plans to not only decrease the amount of emissions just as Clinton proclaims, but he will also try to engage other countries in an international forum for global warming. I think it is a great idea. To me, Obama seems to have more ideas than Clinton and explains them better. That, and the fact that I believe he can beat McCain is why we should elect Obama for president.
I am a woman and a part of me would like to see the first woman president. I liked Bill Clinton and what he did as president. So naturally I thought I would be a Clinton advocate, but I just had to give Obama a chance. I like the way he speaks and that during this whole race I have not heard as much criticism from him toward Clinton as I have seen and heard from her to him. Clinton is too aggressive in her tactics. She has lost a bit of my respect for constantly insulting Obama and although I understand that this is a race, Obama has always seemed more confident and less abusive. Confidence goes a long way in my book and so should it for everyone. Plus, he feels more like a real person.
Besides the fact that one is white and a woman and the other is black and a man, they both are senators, have families, are married, want universal health care, and to pull the troops out of Iraq. They are both Democrats. So, what is the main difference between these two? I went ahead and investigated their websites.
Immediately, Obama’s website www.barackobama.com is more pleasing to the eye than Clinton’s www.hillaryclinton.com. Now, I know it means nothing really. Wow his site looks better than hers, big whop her campaign may be more than looks. One thing I did like about his website compared to Clinton’s is that it is extremely simple to pinpoint an issue, where Obama stands on it, and what he plans to do about it. Clinton’s is slightly more challenging in that there are less bullets separating the points and mostly it’s this big thing you have to read with dry wording. All I am saying is that Obama’s website is more impressive and enjoyable and it’s inspiring. This is how they present themselves to the world, besides television. It should be something you want to look at in my opinion.
In any case, it’s not simply because of the websites or the big race that I have ultimately chosen Obama over Clinton; it’s also because of the tiny differences I have found in their solutions to issues. I can’t list them all, but one that impacted me was the fact that Obama plans to not only decrease the amount of emissions just as Clinton proclaims, but he will also try to engage other countries in an international forum for global warming. I think it is a great idea. To me, Obama seems to have more ideas than Clinton and explains them better. That, and the fact that I believe he can beat McCain is why we should elect Obama for president.
Monday, March 3, 2008
No place for clean energy.

As oil and gas prices increase perpetually, one would think that it would be on our nation’s mind to try to find alternatives to fossil fuels. Be it power from the wind or the sun, our country is in dire need of change and there is none happening according to the latest editorial I read. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/opinion/03mon4.html?_r=1&ref=opinion&oref=slogin How incredibly sick it makes me when the House is finally able to come to a consensus (we all know how hard that can be sometimes) about a bill involving alternative methods of clean energy and it is struck down by the Senate! This editorial is posted on the New York Times webpage and I think you will find it sad to read. The bill proposed by the House would cause a “$17 billion package of credits, spread over 10 years, to encourage the development of renewable energy sources and to promote energy-efficient buildings and appliances.” And in order to obtain that money the government would then keep from giving $17 billion in tax breaks to oil and gas companies over a 10 year span. Simply because the Senate is afraid of levying taxes on the poor oil industry, they will not cut renewable source companies a break. Are you actually able to swallow this BS? Oh no, the inhumanity of it all! To make the fossil fuel companies actually PAY TAXES! This would totally kill their $145 billion a year industry (please keep in mind the $17 billion is over a 10 year span AND the $145 billion is over a one year span). Without money, the tiny renewable energy companies do not have enough ground to stand up against the black gold industry. I swear are all these senators only concerned with their wallets? All of those darned gas and oil lobbyist. How could the Senate actually do this and wake up in the morning without a care in the world? Oh wait money…of course. Plus, the need for different, cleaner emissions is not seen as great as it really is. There are still people who are holding on for dear life that global warming is a hoax. Oh congressmen, congressmen, congressmen, when will you figure out that in order to fix a problem you need to do more than stick you head in the earth? Those ignorant fools, I do not care what anybody else says, almost 99.9% of scientist agree about a global warming pattern and that it correlates peculiarly with the CO2 emissions we have been pushing out for years. They are fools and they are the ones who we are going to let ruin this beautiful earth. It all starts small people. There is a bill to help us from being dependent on foreign oil (mind you FOREIGN only a small amount comes from this country) and to save mother earth, obviously though no one truly cares enough to pass something so small.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
From a Wall to Condos
Hey guys! It is a sunny, warm day outside; far too pleasant to be thinking about US Government huh? WRONG! Lol I just finished reading this commentary written by a man named John Kelso. Boy was it ever fun. This guy is a genius ladies and gentlemen. He writes for the Austin American Statesman in the humor colum. http://www.statesman.com/news/content/news/stories/local/02/19//0219kelso.html
He is very humorous and intellegent. Although he has not always lived in Austin, he has been a resident for about thirty years and is very passionate about Texan culture and politics.
Now, he has come up with the best plan I have ever heard of to solve this nation’s horrible, dreadful, and downright nasty border problem. We all know how we can't stand those darned illegals comming back and forth across our border as they please. It is an outrage for our nation and government. It is a serious, serious issue. Is there nothing we can do? I guess we could build a something like...a wall? Yeah, that's right a wall will keep them in their own poverty right?
Wrong! Kelso has a better solution. Can anyone say CONDOS??? Brilliant!!!! *sings* Yes, I did say condos. He suggests building a wall of pretty condominiums along the Mexican-American border, as opposed to one of less taste and quality… a mere granite wall. Why has no one else suggested this before? I mean come on. What would happen if our government spent millions of taxpayer’s money on a blank roadblock? It would stick out like a sore thumb and whose to say that the illegal aliens wouldn’t simply walk around it? At least with condos they would have to get through rich security and personal AND they would look nice along the countryside. Kelso also explains how it would help both sides. The Mexicans would be able to find work on the condos, and the Americans would receive all the help they wanted for a reasonable price. We all win! Plus, (and Kelso didn’t mention this) building condos would in the long run provide revenue and help stimulate the economy. ^_^
Obviously, this commentary is written sarcastically but only in order to prove a point. Kelso believes that the whole wall thing could never help control our border issues. It would in fact probably worsen our country by having an eye-sore of a wall that costs millions and does nothing. I agree, it is a stupid idea, more so than building condominiums along the border.
He is very humorous and intellegent. Although he has not always lived in Austin, he has been a resident for about thirty years and is very passionate about Texan culture and politics.
Now, he has come up with the best plan I have ever heard of to solve this nation’s horrible, dreadful, and downright nasty border problem. We all know how we can't stand those darned illegals comming back and forth across our border as they please. It is an outrage for our nation and government. It is a serious, serious issue. Is there nothing we can do? I guess we could build a something like...a wall? Yeah, that's right a wall will keep them in their own poverty right?
Wrong! Kelso has a better solution. Can anyone say CONDOS??? Brilliant!!!! *sings* Yes, I did say condos. He suggests building a wall of pretty condominiums along the Mexican-American border, as opposed to one of less taste and quality… a mere granite wall. Why has no one else suggested this before? I mean come on. What would happen if our government spent millions of taxpayer’s money on a blank roadblock? It would stick out like a sore thumb and whose to say that the illegal aliens wouldn’t simply walk around it? At least with condos they would have to get through rich security and personal AND they would look nice along the countryside. Kelso also explains how it would help both sides. The Mexicans would be able to find work on the condos, and the Americans would receive all the help they wanted for a reasonable price. We all win! Plus, (and Kelso didn’t mention this) building condos would in the long run provide revenue and help stimulate the economy. ^_^
Obviously, this commentary is written sarcastically but only in order to prove a point. Kelso believes that the whole wall thing could never help control our border issues. It would in fact probably worsen our country by having an eye-sore of a wall that costs millions and does nothing. I agree, it is a stupid idea, more so than building condominiums along the border.
Monday, February 4, 2008

So has anybody heard of the newest proposal by President Bush? Of course not, everybody is still too hyped up about the Super Bowl ( b/w I LOVE TOM PETTY!!!). Anyways, well I guess it is my duty to edumacate you all (yes I do mean edumacate). Alrightey then, well the proposal is supposed to help steady the budget by 2012 AND provide more funds for national security (we all gotta have more of that right?) The catch is that we would be cutting A LOT from domestic programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Need I point out my first outburst in the title? Luckily, Democrats in Congress won’t let the whole proposal pass or else I think I would die! If you wanna read more about it, and I suggest you do because I can't cover it all (well I could but it would take up the whole page!), go here:
As said by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), "President Bush's fiscal policies are the worst in our nation's history -- he has turned record surpluses into record deficits -- and this budget is more of the same." ---Amen
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