As oil and gas prices increase perpetually, one would think that it would be on our nation’s mind to try to find alternatives to fossil fuels. Be it power from the wind or the sun, our country is in dire need of change and there is none happening according to the latest editorial I read. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/03/opinion/03mon4.html?_r=1&ref=opinion&oref=slogin How incredibly sick it makes me when the House is finally able to come to a consensus (we all know how hard that can be sometimes) about a bill involving alternative methods of clean energy and it is struck down by the Senate! This editorial is posted on the New York Times webpage and I think you will find it sad to read. The bill proposed by the House would cause a “$17 billion package of credits, spread over 10 years, to encourage the development of renewable energy sources and to promote energy-efficient buildings and appliances.” And in order to obtain that money the government would then keep from giving $17 billion in tax breaks to oil and gas companies over a 10 year span. Simply because the Senate is afraid of levying taxes on the poor oil industry, they will not cut renewable source companies a break. Are you actually able to swallow this BS? Oh no, the inhumanity of it all! To make the fossil fuel companies actually PAY TAXES! This would totally kill their $145 billion a year industry (please keep in mind the $17 billion is over a 10 year span AND the $145 billion is over a one year span). Without money, the tiny renewable energy companies do not have enough ground to stand up against the black gold industry. I swear are all these senators only concerned with their wallets? All of those darned gas and oil lobbyist. How could the Senate actually do this and wake up in the morning without a care in the world? Oh wait money…of course. Plus, the need for different, cleaner emissions is not seen as great as it really is. There are still people who are holding on for dear life that global warming is a hoax. Oh congressmen, congressmen, congressmen, when will you figure out that in order to fix a problem you need to do more than stick you head in the earth? Those ignorant fools, I do not care what anybody else says, almost 99.9% of scientist agree about a global warming pattern and that it correlates peculiarly with the CO2 emissions we have been pushing out for years. They are fools and they are the ones who we are going to let ruin this beautiful earth. It all starts small people. There is a bill to help us from being dependent on foreign oil (mind you FOREIGN only a small amount comes from this country) and to save mother earth, obviously though no one truly cares enough to pass something so small.
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